The virtues of the professional salesperson are wonderful to behold. They are truly enlightened individuals with only the purest of thoughts when it comes to giving you service. Why, you only need ask one to find out why they are working so hard on your behalf and they will gladly tell you all that they personally are willing to sacrifice so that you might enjoy your new laundry set for just pennies a day. A salesperson is your new best friend and will guide you with care to help fulfill your needs. They are neither greedy nor aggressive. These paragons of all that is pure are completely at ease with all the character quirks that make them so successful.
Most all professional salespeople have a genuine need to sell more as the money they earn can only provide the barest of living essentials for their families. They are not at all greedy; they are just much needier than your average person. If they don’t make their sales goals for the day, little Johnny will be eating a bowl of thinned, lukewarm gruel for supper yet again. It is very difficult to provide for a family on the pittance they make in commissioned sales. It is why there are so few of them. As salespeople pace about their department, they may look like sharks searching for fresh prey; it is only an illusion. They only stay mobile so that they can be the first person to provide you with the service that only he or she can provide you. The other salespeople are the sharks, circling you like a defenseless little fishy ready to be plucked from the sea and consumed by their unfathomable appetite.
Salespeople are not at all territorial when it comes to customers anywhere near them. They are just the person best suited to meet your every whim, no matter how trivial, and want to be sure the rest of the sales staff is aware of that intimate relationship that you share. A talented salesperson can take the simple fact that some third cousin of theirs whom once belonged to some obscure organization that you now are a member of and make it seem as if you two have been the closest of confidantes for years. They will make this very clear to the any of the sales staff should they even think of having a conversation with you. If this person is particularly talented you will find yourself believing in this fantastical relationship yourself, asking for this sainted salesperson each time you shop, trusting this person to help you spend your hard earned cash.
Now that the salesperson has your trust, the time is ripe to talk about protecting your purchase. So many of the devices we use today are controlled by imbedded digital electronics. These electronic controls make our stuff work so much more efficiently, and even though everything that a salesperson has recommended that you buy is of the highest quality and is sure to give you many years of satisfaction, sometimes things can go horribly awry. There could be a power surge, or maybe your appliance or car was built on a Monday when everyone on the assembly line had a vicious hangover and your brand new doohickey stops functioning shortly after the manufacturer’s warranty expires. For little more than the price of one service call, you can have peace of mind, secure in the knowledge that your doohickey will be well taken care of for years to come. Never mind that these service plans pay the best commission rates, and have some of the highest profit margins for the company that peddles them. Your salesperson only desires to provide you the very best buying experience of your life.
As sad as it is for me to admit, I have found myself emulating all of these traits more and more each day, because I, too, wish to provide the barest necessities for my family. I thought that I could remain pure and aloof from these traits that I loathe, only to find myself sure that only I can provide the proper amount of care that my customers desire. I have found it to be true that I am the only one that has your best interests in mind while you are shopping for some new appliance, and being your new best friend I will warn you that, even though I have sold you my best products, you will be much safer and happier if you would only purchase some protection on your investment. More than once I have caught myself telling a customer that I am putting three members or my family through college right now and how the heartless institution of higher learning that we attend wouldn’t give us a volume discount, a discount that I would happily give you, if you would just purchase more than one appliance from me today.