Tuesday, March 14, 2023

It's been awhile.

 World, where have you been? I know I've been around here and there, but the words haven't found their way to the page. This lack of written prose and sharing of sketchy wisdom is about to change. It is time to let these wild and untamed thoughts loose upon an unsuspecting population. I feel a sense of (just say it already) anticipation.

Looking towards tomorrow, I wonder at what it might bring. In a few short days I will graduate and move on from the only employer I've known for the last 23 years. This emotionally, spiritually and physically demanding career has been a fickle bitch in many ways but has also been a steady source of income and stability for my now grown family. I've had the opportunity to travel to some interesting (and some less so) places in the world and to work alongside some amazing human beings. I call it a graduation instead of retirement because for me, I have so much more living to do on this amazing planet we call home. 

I am excited to see what will inspire me as I look to once more make this blog a normal part of my existence. What adventures will I share here? What discoveries will find their way out of this digital pen and onto the web page? Alas, only time will tell. 

Let our journey begin!


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